

The department of Economics aims to expose students to the theoretical, analytical frameworks and policy within the discipline of Economics. This enables students to rationalize through analytical frameworks, evaluate empirical evidence and develop a critical approach to understanding interactions between theory and policy. The Economics enables students to excel in the area of economic analysis by contributing to economic commentary, decision making and contribute towards research. It covers a range of subject viz. Managerial economics, Business economics, Indian Economy, International trade. Students generate critical insights rooted in methodological approaches, through reflective reading, writing and interpretation of data pertaining to economic activities. Students are also expected to write papers on topics in Economics and also to take up the challenges of ensuring analytical and intellectual thinking.


  • To provide general understanding of the functioning of the economic system and the role of institutions, groups and regions within that system.
  • To inculcate the entrepreneurial skills by teaching the business strategy involved in decision making and forward planning.
  • To identify the benefits of trade and procedure involved in global economy.
  • To enable the students to understand the role of Economics in designing the Government Policy.
  • To improve confidence level of the students to face the competitive examinations like UPSC, Indian Economic Service etc.


  • Enhances knowledge about the central issues faced by society such as economic growth and development, poverty, unemployment, population statistics, planning etc.
  • Enormous job opportunities in teaching, Government sector, Banks, Civil services, National Sample Survey, NGO’s, International aid agencies, private and public sector.
  • Students understand the growth of various sectors such as agriculture, industry and tertiary sector of the economy.


    a) Library

  • Library is well furnished, accommodating 12,700 books and 28 Journals / Magazines in print form.
  • 16 CCTV Cameras are placed at strategic points in the library for surveillance.
  • Campus e-Library is equipped with e-Journals and e-Books from INFLIBNET N-List access to 6,000 + e-Journals and 31,35,000 + e-Books to Inculcate Knowledge
  • Spacious and ventilated reading area with adequate lighting facility add up extra features to ensure health aspect.
  • b) Wi-fi facility for staff and students:

    The department is equipped with Internet connection paving the academic platform for digital paper presentation, power point presentation, and to prepare subject e-content videos.

    c) Department Library:

    The department has around 100 text books and every semester it is uploaded with latest edition that can be used by both faculty and the students

    d) Infrastructure

  • 1.A well furnished staff room
  • 2.A high configured computer system with internet facility
  • 3.Spacious class rooms with proper ventilation
  • 4.ICT enabled classroom which have projector facilities.
  • 5.LCD projector for presentation

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